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So Many Problems; Don't Know Where to Start; PLEASE HELP!

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So I have an HP dv6000 series which came with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have a wireless network from Verizon FIOS.

I can't pinpoint the exact time or program I downloaded or file I deleted etc. that started giving me all these problems with my PC.

My problems are:

1.) My PC does not read the DVD/CD drive: I put a CD or DVD in and nothing happens at all. Nothing pops up asking me what I want to do and when I go to "Computer" no DVD/CD drive shows up. When I go into Device Manager, under DVD/CD Drives it shows the DVD/CD drive icon with a "!" symbol inside an orange triangle. From the advice from another site, I un-installed the DVD/CD driver, then I shut down and restarted the computer hoping it would somehow get an updated driver or something (which is what the website said). But it didn't work. Now I don't even have a driver, but I could just do a system restore to get it back I guess but I'll take somebody's advice here hopefully.

2.) My USB Drive doesn't work. I have a 2gb storage drive that I downloaded some programs that I was going to transfer to the problem PC, but it won't let me. When I put it in E:\ pops up in "Computer" but when I double click it, it says, "Please enter a disk into My GS Drive (E:)". So I guess it kind of recognizes it (because "GS" stands for GeekSquad and that's what type of flash drive it is) but I can't do anything with it. Because it also shows up on the (I'm not sure what it's name is) Program List, you know, the list of programs that are running on the bottom right of the screen.

3.) I can't connect to the Internet. (Right now, I'm using an older computer that my father used to use for business). Even though, sometimes, I click on "Connect to a Network" on the bottom right of the screen, it will show the name of my wireless network AND it says "Connected" and I still don't get any response from Firefox or IE.

4.) I'm also getting the like "something is loading in the background" symptoms too. The mouse has the hour glass next to it, and its kind of like blinking sort of. The whole screen doesn't blink, but I'm sure you know what i mean.

Thats all I can think of right now. Any suggestions/help would be really, really appreciated, because I am lost with this.

Thank you so much.
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I'm thinking that just a complete reset of the registry to default would be the best. How would I do that? Agree or disagree?
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Also, whenever I reset or shutdown my PC a blue screen comes up and at the top it says: "IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal"
Then it says something about a "Physical Memory Dump" then it counts up a bunch of numbers and always just restarts itself back up into windows. And when it gets back into Windows, it says: "Windows Error Recovery" and "Windows did not shut down successfully."

So I always have to just put my PC into Hibernate because it won't shut down any other way.

Any Suggestions At All????
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Hello HateMalware77...

My first thought is that your system is infected...including maybe the flash drive.

Please go to the Malware Forum and follow the instructions you'll find there.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- post a hijackthis log in THAT forum. Do Not reply to or "bump" your own topic...if it shows a reply, it may be overlooked as one that is being worked on.

If you are still having problems after getting a clean bill of health from the malware expert, please return to this thread.

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Hello HateMalware77...

My first thought is that your system is infected...including maybe the flash drive.

Please go to the Malware Forum and follow the instructions you'll find there.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- post a hijackthis log in THAT forum. Do Not reply to or "bump" your own topic...if it shows a reply, it may be overlooked as one that is being worked on.

If you are still having problems after getting a clean bill of health from the malware expert, please return to this thread.


Ok, I'll do that. Thank you.
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