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Hi EVeryone, I have a new laptop, with Vista but it crashes daily, and I clean it regularly, defrags, reigistry cleanup and disk cleanup etc etc. But I always have heaps of movies on file, I heard that Vista needs a lot of free hard disk memory to run, and I'm wondering if its that I need to clear off some of the films off my hard drive and anything else not essential. And I also have everyday a few programs running at the same time....Bitcomet, Skype, MSN, and a virus scanner are always simulataneously running everyday. And then I'll open a few browsers etc.
I have at the moment 18gb left on my main internal hard disk, I have a 2nd internal hard disk that is virtually empty....I know I can put files on it....but can I put programs on the 2nd internal hardisk...or do they only run on the main one?
Or maybe it is a program compatibility issue?
Anyway...are there any tips anyone has, or if they've experienced something similar....or how much virtual memory vista needs to run on daily so I can always allocate that amount etc etc.....

If you need any more info please ask and will provide.. Help! Thanks so much in advance :))
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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I mainly need to know how it crashes. Do you see any error messages? What happens, and what do you to fix it? What is the make/model of your computer? How much RAM does it have? What version of Vista are you running?

Thanks! :)
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Hi I have an Acer Aspire 5720 laptop, it has 2gb of ram and the processor is an intel core duo cpu with T7100 @ 1.80GHZ 1.80GHZ and the vista is a 32bit Home premium.

Sometimes when it crashes, it just restarts, I'll be doing something around the house and I'll hear the windows chime of when it opens up. Then at other times it just blinks out....usually when I'm watching a movie which makes me think it vista is using too much running memory that I have free and I have to clear some files of my hard drive (which I am slowly in the process of). And there is never an error message. Just at the times it blinks out, it asks me if I want to start up in safe mode or normally....I always choose normally....is that bad? And I haven't done anything to fix it, because its not fixed. I mean I have been trying to clear off some files and when I watch a film now, I close down my running processes like skype and bitcomet, both which I know take up a lot of running memory. I have been defragging and cleaning the registry, disk cleaning, virus scanning, etc etc Also...I generally leave it on all the time....do you think I should shut it off overnight? I also just thought that maybe it is a heat issue? Coming into Winter (Winter has come on really slow and mild where I am) We've only just been starting up the heat function of our air-conditioner which is only about 4 feet from where the computer is....

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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I've got the feeling that it is showing an error message, but it isn't up long enough for us to see it. Let's try and turn off automatic restarts and see if we get a blue screen.

Please go to the Start menu and right-click Computer and select Properties. In the left pane, select Advanced System Settings and give it permission to continue. Click the third Settings... button, which will open up a new dialog box. Then just uncheck the box that says Automatically restart, apply the changes, and close the windows.

From there, you can just wait for it to crash again, and this time you should see a blue screen. Write down all of the information under *** TECHNICAL INFORMATION and post it in your reply here.

You also mentioned that you are using BitComet. Geeks to Go official policy is that we do not support usage of Peer to Peer programs, and highly recommend that it be uninstalled because the content shared over such programs is either illegal or malicious, and sometimes both. We recommend (for your safety) that BitComet and other P2P programs be uninstalled from your computer.
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