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Did I Post In Wrong Forum

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I posted something awhile back and I apologized, because I found out I had put it in the wrong forum. I have a message in my inbox, and from the way it reads, I did it again. I would like to know if I did it again and when and what was it I posted. Sorry, I'll try to be more careful. Thanks (I hope I'm in the right forum now--It's off topic) :) :)
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Was this question "Why is support only offered via the forums" suppose to written by me? I didn't post this question, or did you send your reply to everyone, or was it in the wrong forum? If it was in the wrong forum, this time, I didn't post this one. Just curious. Thanks :)
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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I really don't know why you would receive a message in your inbox about posting in the wrong section of the forum. Usually someone will just move the post to the correct section without much fanfare except for a small edit to indicate what happened.

I get confused many times about where to post a new topic and some subjects seem to fit in one or more sections.

Please don't worry about any posts in wrong sections. It happens and that's why the forum has moderators. Keeps them on their toes. :)

Edited by Major Payne, 08 December 2008 - 11:23 PM.

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    OT Moderator

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I’m a little confused here… are you asking admin about a PM he sent you? If so you might want to just reply to that PM.

It might be a while before he ventures down here to off topic and sees this question :)
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Sorry I got all of you riled up, but I am not embarrassed about receiving anything from the administrator. I appreciate your concern and yes I realize I should of sent it directly to him. :)
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Didn't get me riled up, but you do keep posing a new topic instead of replying to the same post you originally started. It makes it very hard for everyone to follow the train of "thought". :)

Just relax and enjoy the holidays with your family. Those who get riled over minor things need to take a break from all activities. Life is too short for such things. :)

Edited by Major Payne, 09 December 2008 - 01:30 AM.

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I have been out of town, and actually forgot I left you hanging. The program I used came from PC MIGHTY MAX, it did tell me what programs were missing and it fixed my MS DOS program, plus the color is right. There is only one thing wrong, after I got into it, those problems are fixed, but I have alot of different ones. I am trying to get rid of it (off my computer), because I now have RegCure. This I have to say, it did do what it said it said it would do, it scanned my computer and said I was was missing a .dll program (which I was) and that my MS DOS was off missing some, and it fixed my start up menu, plus my color. So that's all I can say. I'm not disappointed, I think maybe the problems I have now might be easy to fix, don't know. Hope this helps you or anyone who wanted to know. Thanks :)
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I merged all your threads together from the off topic forum. Please learn to use the Add Reply button in your own thread rather than starting a new thread every time.
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