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Oh the weather outside is frightful...

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Be glad, very glad, those ofyou who don't have to shovel. There's about a foot exactly of snow outside, and it's falling trememdously fast. You know when, during a rainstorm, you look outside and you can't see anything? That's exactly how it is. I shoveled our deck and driveway for 20 minutes, and at the end of the 20 minutes, I finished about 1/10 of it, and the areas that I had already shoveled were covered in 1/2 cm of snow :)
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ahhh the good old days when I use to live in New York it was like that. Now Here in Virginia it hardly ever snows that much :)
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ahhh the good old days when I use to live in New York it was like that. Now Here in Virginia it hardly ever snows that much

when i moved to tennessee i hoped i'd see more snow....being from southern (REALLY SOUTHERN) Louisiana i can remember it snowing twice where it stuck to the ground...both times there was MAYBE 2 inches .... once it was such a bad freeze that the salt water at my grandparents house out in the swamp froze to about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch...anyone who knows anything about thermodynamics knows it's pretty hard to freeze salt water...the advantage was once it thawed....all the fish were still frozen so you could just ride down the bayou or through the duck ponds in a Pirogue and just pick the fish up with a net that were floating around....in about 15 to 20 minutes they'd thaw out and flop around (if they didn't start flopping we'd use them for bait in the crab traps because that meant they were dead before they froze)...

HOWEVER it's only really snowed a lot once or twice in the 8 years that i've lived here...the rest there's just been enough ice on the road to make me smash my truck up
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Well, I come from New York also, BUT upstate NY. Thats the Finger lakes area. It has been pretty bad this year already (mild in previous years). We get the cold front from Canada coming across Lake Erie. It dumps a pile on Buffalo to Syracuse.

Now some of you old geasers from the area might remember the storm of 1977. I remember climbing out my parents 2nd story window and on to the snow bank. That was January 28th to February 1st, 1977.
With wind gusting up to 70mph and snow depth recorded up to 7 feet of snow. To get out our driveway it was just a wall of snow. Of course you couldn't go anywhere when you did get out.
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I'll take the snow if you take my -45* weather. Do we have a deal?
They don't call my region, "Where Fahrenheit meets Celsius" for no reason.....
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Heh heh...We got about a foot and a half of snow...Not too much farther above us they got almost 3 and a half feet :)
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It sure was hot today... :)

Feel free to send some of that snow downunder, it might help cool things down a bit.

James, -45 eh? Have you tried running a computer with no CPU heatsink/fan in those conditions? I know I'd sure find some old beast and try it! :)

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pretty hot here in Virginia as well.... about 70 or so :)
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Hey 123Runner, I remember the snowstorm of '77!!! I was just a little kid and I thought it was neat the snow was so high I could tunnel under it!!! We had to shovel out the doorways to get in/out of the house.
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We as kids thought it was neat! I'm sure our parents didn't.
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Ah... good old weather....

26 or so degrees f in Utah rite now...

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Sigh...here in Detroit, MI... temps went down to 1 degree last night and the high today will only reach to about 10 or so + more snow. Tonight's low i hear is gonna be -4, arctic chill is in effect. The furnace will never shut off now. Hate to see next month's bill :)
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Hey, we hit -50*C yesterday. Want to trade? :)
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Hey, we hit -50*C yesterday. Want to trade? :)

Ouch..lol well Canada isn't that far away from me (20 min drive or less) so i'm sure we'll get the remnants of Canada's weather soon. I'd REALLY hate to see your heating bill. Yikes!
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Yeah. This morning, it was -6 F with windchill factored in. That's still not as cold as it was in Ontario, but it's the coldest I've seen in Massachusetts yet.

James, where the darn heck do you live!?

Edited by Fredil, 15 January 2009 - 03:19 PM.

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