4GB ram
120GB sata for os and backup c: (40GB) X:(80GB)
500GB sata for G:\Data (250GB) and F:\Applications (250GB)
500GB sata for misc storage H: & I: both 250GB
MS Vista Ultimate (64-bit installation)
I came into my PC area in the morning and was presented with what I thought was a hung pc. no mouse response, no video displayed, no response to arrow presses. Ok, walked away and made coffee and came back. No change. Magic power down button pressed. From that point on I have been trying to recover two lost partitions, a corrupted OS drive and viewable but damaged remaining two partitions.
F: partition viewable on disk manager, but not accessible with any utility
I: same problem
G:\Data viewable, some data files seems to be accessible. Of course the quicken database is not, grrr
H:\ is viewable and some what functional
F:\applications had all my applications loaded on to it. needless to say, none of the icons on the desktop will function
I: to tell you the truth, I don't remember exactly what is on this one. Transitional back ups from other machines I believe.
My question is this: what can I do to recover my partitions? is there a download solution I can get/buy/obtain ? I presently live in Saudi Arabia. It's tough to get ANYTHING through normal channels here.
Thanks for any constructive suggestions.