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I shouldn't have Screwed with Regedit...

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I was trying to get some of my keys back off my old hard drive and as soon as I replaced one of the .sav files my PC froze. I turned it back on and it looked like it was in safe mode, right now Aero is not on and if i try it says access is denied. I tried a repair install but failed. Do i really have to re-install the os or is there a different option?

Edited by tylerscool, 28 December 2008 - 01:23 AM.

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When you said the .sav files, did you mean the registry ones, like .reg? If you could give a tiny bit more information, i might be able to help.

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yep i took the .sav files and tried to get them from my old hard drive which causes a crash to what seems like safe mode without the safe mode logo on the sides. Also when i try msconfig when i hit, normal startup it goes back to selective startup.
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