First off is it ok to have multiple browsers on your computer desktop-ready to use? My wife says no, I say yes.
My trouble began a short time ago when Firefox (my favorite) began to leave a box telling me it had crashed when I would close out of it.
It would give me the options of "quiting" "restarting" and it would send a report, telling me it was "to resolve the problem".
I haven't used IE much so not sure about it.
This morning I decided to get my bookmarks from Firefox over there on Chrome and suddenly Google Chrome crashes too.
All the browsers still work they are just slow and tell me they've crashed from time to time.
I went through the steps recommended here before you post about your problem. and downloaded the recommended Malwarebytes, and Avast, and ran them using the deep scan mode.
Things are a little better but not back to normal.
Anyway I'm hoping some really sharp Computer Geek will take up my case and help me out. There will be some compensation in order
for whoever can get me back trouble free Internet use!
So I'll shut-up now and wait for my savior to answer.