Hi everyone
I'm new here but very recently i had the same problem with VISTA 64bit.
I started up my machine and after exactly 17 minutes after boot everything froze up. i didnt even start anything...
It seemed however that, because i had the sidebar on, some bad working gadgets on vista were the cause.
the moment I deleted them, the machine was stable. Not just delete them of the sidebar, but in the selection area as well.
Someone told me they remain active sometimes even if they aren't showed.
I rebooted to test and even now after 1h45 minutes of idleness everything runs smooth once again...
Anyway I hope it is of any help.
EDIT: Never mind pc still freezes... sometimes after 2 hours or so, and now even after 4 minutes...
really annoying... I still think however those badly worked out gadgets are terrible for the machine anyway
EDIT 2: Now I also deleted the ini file which is used by the sidebar... I restarted the sidebar and changed al the gadgets i wanted back. now it seems completely fixed... i'll keep in touch for this!
because the machine freezes at startup it has to be a problem that happens due to the startup... so check all the files u use when starting up... to do this type msconfig in the 'run' menu in windows start...
EDIT 3: Nope, problem still occurs but it does seem only to happen to me when the sidebar activates on startup (again this time after 4 minutes)... now i turned machine off and on again (no reboot just as if you start up the pc), and it now runs smoothly after 30 minutes of inactivity from startup without the sidebar activated... I'm going to try and keep the thing deactivated to see if i still lockup.
EDIT 4: lockup seems also to happen with sidebar deactivated, which means that it's not the issue... however it locks up a lot less it seems then when activated. i'm starting to truly believe this is a vista error of some kind...
Edited by Dark-Messiah 1234, 02 May 2009 - 05:23 AM.