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Computers infected in an internet cafe?

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Hi I went to an internet cafe yesterday and normally I used it to surf the web etc.However,when I use it,there is an error message saying that an unknown .dll is missing.However through research,I found out that the missing .dll file is an trojan and I found about some chinese hijacker files,a few trojans and some adware in it.I have told the owner about it and she does not seem to care about it.The same has been found on the other computers too.What should I do?

Edited by MALwareFighter, 08 January 2009 - 08:31 AM.

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Do you mean on the computers there at the cafe, or did it infect your laptop? Either way I doubt its done intentionally by the cafe, that would put them out of business pretty quick once the word got out. There is not really anything more you can do, you informed the owner so its their problem now.

its just like school computers, no matter how safe you try to keep them students/users will infect them.
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its just like school computers, no matter how safe you try to keep them students/users will infect them.

Bite your tongue! My student computers are free from all forms of infection (except the students themselves).
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Bite your tongue! My student computers are free from all forms of infection (except the students themselves).


I am a student at a Computer Academy and we still find ways to get on Google Images, Youtube, etc. :)
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zorba the geek

zorba the geek


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Bite your tongue! My student computers are free from all forms of infection (except the students themselves).


I am a student at a Computer Academy and we still find ways to get on Google Images, Youtube, etc. :)

At least you've learned something,how to bypass restrictions laid down by your Teachers!
I guess you think that's "Cool & Responsible"
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only in america
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Not in the America I live in. You obviously haven't learned to respect authority.
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*Troy thinks ScHwErV should takeover the network at RichAnd's school... :)
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zorba the geek

zorba the geek


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*Troy thinks ScHwErV should takeover the network at RichAnd's school... :)

ScHwErV Rules
:) :)

Edited by zorba the geek, 10 January 2009 - 08:05 AM.

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*Troy thinks ScHwErV should takeover the network at RichAnd's school... :)

*jt1990 agrees :)
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To go on-topic again, there is a feature in the windows firewall (or atleast on mine), that is named "no exceptions". It could be useful if you're having a lot of exceptions, like me. It even recommends you to do it, when you are at public places.
You should always have a good firewall to protect you from all the threats on the internet.

Edited by dekusvamp, 04 February 2009 - 01:04 PM.

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