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Transferring Harddrive to another computer

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Hello, Two days ago my laptop died, It won't boot. It comes one with a blank screen for about 2 seconds and goes right back off. I am needing to transfer a bunch of files off of the laptop harddrive to my desktop harddrive. The problem is... is that my desktop is xp and my laptop is vista.

I'm needing to save my Pictures, documents, videos, music, my email files, program files of which are extras for the programs i have run.

Now, when i insert the laptop harddrive into the desktop, will it ask me if i want to run windows vista or winodws xp? or will it just run xp...
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anyone? i don't mean to bump this but i've gotta get it saved before i get my laptop fixed cuz hp will wipe it clean
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    Kraków my love :)

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You have two options:
- slave laptop's hard drive in your desktop
- use hard drive enclosure, like this:
Posted Image
(it must be enclosure designed for laptop's hard drive, and ATA, or SATA compatible, depending on what type of drive you have; some enclosures come with with both, ATA, and SATA cables)
Regardless of which way you go, your desktop will boot to XP, and it'll read laptop's HD as just another drive.
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OKay, will i be able to open anything I had on the laptop through my desktop? liek my email.. will i be able to open windows live mail client thats on my laptop to save my email?
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    Kraków my love :)

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You can only retrieve data. You can't run any programs from slaved hard drive.
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