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Xbox 360 LIVE

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Ok I dont think you quite understand what i mean. Do This Go to Start > control panel. Then if you are in catagory veiw on the left side should be an option to go to standard veiw. click it. when the control panel changes click Network connections. Then right click on the connected wireless Item. select properties and under the Wireless network Tab Which should be the middle tab. It will list wireless networks. select the connected one and click the properties button. on this page it should say something like Network Encryption and then Network Key. If you have anything listed in Network key Let me know this means there is a Password on your wireless.

EDIT: Do you know if the Network Key is the password you put into the xbox?

Edited by Oblivionon360, 25 January 2009 - 11:31 AM.

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Again, I have a norwegian Windows XP but it should be the same positions and what not regardless of the language so I think youll understand whats what here.
Check attachment

Attached Thumbnails

  • network.JPG

Edited by erah, 25 January 2009 - 11:35 AM.

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Ok was the pasword you entered into the Xbox 8 charachters long?
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Nope it was 13 characters long, I dont know why the key shows as 8 dots but I am almost positive the same key I type to connect to my wireless is the same that I put in the Xbox
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Well knowing that information im not to sure what else to suggest at the moment. I'll check a few more sources but untill we know for sure weither its the wireless adapter or not i dont know what else I can do to help you at the moment. But I will ask a buddy of mine to read this when he is on next and If he cant help then i will find someone who can but for now, I am not sure.

EDIT: please post weither a direct connection to the router worked when u get a chance to connect it

Edited by Oblivionon360, 25 January 2009 - 11:46 AM.

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Okay, thanks alot for your time and help so far anyways, very much appreciated, shame nothing has worked so far. Will update the post as soon as ive tested with a direct connection!
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Okay... direct connection works perfectly fine, although I had DNS set to Automatic and it failed on the test so I tried putting in and it worked. Im guessing the Wireless Adapter may be faulty?
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Well i'm not sure. Remember I dont use a wireless adapter. Have you tried calling xbox customer support? you should try and see what they say. other than that i will look around and see if i can find the fix for this.
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Common Wireless Adapter Issues

Wireless Security. If you are using wireless security (you may not even know it if you didnt setup the router) you need all of the security details for WEP or WPA-PSK (whichever of the two you are using)
Remember when entering the WEP or WPA-Key into the 360 it is CaSe SeNsItIvE
Wireless Secuity. The most common problem comes when using a "Wireless Access List" - This may be called something different on your router. This is a list of "allowed" devices using the MAC Address to identify the device. If the access list is switched on. Make sure you enter the MAC Address details of the Xbox .
You have entered your username/password info into the PPPoE in your XBox Dashboard, you do not need to do this.
DHCP is turned off on the router
Also see THIS page for troubleshooting common wireless issues
If you are using a third party ethernet wireless adapter with your Xbox look HERE

Any information u dont understand or don't know where to find try googling it first and if u still dont understand post here next and i will try to help. but i believe ur problem might be DHCP. im not sure with ur router how to turn it on or if it is already turned on but this is the best ive found so far
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