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Major Australian Telco Fined for Spam

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Optus has paid the second highest penalty to date for alleged breaches of the Spam Act, the Australian Media and Communications Authority announced today.

ACMA issued two separate infringement notices to the value of $110,000 to Optus for sending electronic messages without accurate sender identification, in contravention of the Spam Act.

Optus had sent out 20,000 SMS messages to its customers, without providing any information about where the messages came from or how to unsubscribe from them. The messages promoted the OptusZoo entertainment service and only identified themselves as coming from "966".

[url="http://"%20<a%20href="http://apcmag.com/optus_convicted_of_spamming_fined_110000.htm""%20target="_blank">http://apcmag.com/op...amm...10000.htm"</a>"]Read more here[/url]. Optus provide my mobile phone service (cell phone service for you Americans), and I remember getting the message.

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