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Jobs in Technology

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Hey, I'm a college senior wondering about jobs in the technology and even IT industries, though I have the completely wrong degree, economics to be exact. I love economics as a study but the thought of being an analyst or investment broker doesn't quite sit right and it's hard to get any great econ jobs without a master's degree I'm not really willing to go for.

Anyway enough about that, I was wondering what it takes to get a foot in the door with IT or otherwise. Most postings for jobs involving technology obviously have massive lists for requirements and skills that I don't really have. I have enough experience with PCs and very small business networks, say 2 to 10 computers (in all reality home networks). I have talked to a few people about it and heard both sides of the story, one, you can't get a job anywhere in IT without a precise degree, but then I've also heard of people who have gotten into with relatively little direct experience, a coworker of one of my friends graduated with a business degree and ended up with a job in charge of key cards and electronic access at a local university.

So in all I'm asking what might people that are already in the industry suggest, obviously the best option would be go back to school and get some certifications. I'm going to have to start paying off my first degree soon, so a job is completely necessary as I graduate and more bills aren't exactly the most favorable. Are there any entry level IT jobs that would consider someone with any bachelor's degree I might get involved with as I graduate? Would I be better off getting the certifications and trying for better positions right off the bat (meaning get a job more in terms of my degree first and go from there)?

One of my original ideas going in to college was to get a bachelor's degree and then specialize with some sort of associates/certificate, and IT might be the way for me to go.

Any ideas are incredibly helpful.
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You have a very difficult series of decisions to make, not knowing your personal life, Married with Children, or In Laws, overpriced home / apartment / condo, etc ... The unstable economy, the Maya calendar, (Only 1,436 days , 3 hours, , 21 minutes, and 20 seconds left until Galactic Alignment!) New President in The U.S. Barack Obama, democratic dominance, Israel in the Gaza strip killing Hamas terrorists, and so forth and on and on... basically, it's a tough road to work the Economics Field while working towards an IT degree. I don't think an "on the job training" would do. Best case scenario, your new company pays for your IT training as you continue 40 + hours Economizing, and you finally get enough certifications and degrees to move into a fairly decent position.

You've had experience with PCs, but do you have any certs or anything that proves you know how to open control panel, and use all the tools? Or run mmc.exe and know what you're doing in console root \ computer management?
Can you produce documentation to prove you're experienced in PC's to get a job driving VW's for "Geeks R Us?" or whatever they are called? Probably pays 7-8 $$$ an hour to start if you're A+ certified? Just guessing, might be more.
Any relatives in positions who can pull strings?

At what point in your college time working for your economics degree did you feel compelled to go into an IT direction?
Most likely, too late in the game to change your class structure, if not even before college. OK, knowing the past can't be changed, you will most likely have to use your degree in economics to live on, pay bills, and as you say, take classes - MSCE or Cisco Server certifications that guarantee you job placement after passing the many levels of "climbing the knowledge ladder", to get to your destination. But caveat time...

Don't let people fool you into thinking a MCSE cert will get you a high paying job, with opportunities for advancement. Monster.com, and / or "Post your resume here." websites are overflowing with qualified, and even worse, overqualified engineers who can code in 6 "languages" that used to be grabbed up in minutes after posting. Times have changed as you are well aware of. A very sad situation for some who invested years of their lives only to find the doors closed because of qualifications and expectations which managers will anticipate you will require big $$$, so they say"thanks, and we'll call you if we find a good fit for you"

What field of IT do you want to go into? Can you use your degree in economics in conjunction with a computer related job? Perhaps, if you are interested in ECommerce? A little google search brought me an interesting page loaded with IT info, which may help you decide how to merge your Econ-degree, or make enough to move on next graduation.

If you want 1 view of many, "Top 10 Computer Program Majors",


has more info than my soggy sponge of a brain can absorb, but it's a good start for you to see trends of computer related career moves, and also learn of the online programs w/degrees, so you only make 1 commute a day, to the economics based job you will hopefully will find quickly, that pays the bills, as you move at your own pace, through your home computer(s) to your next goal. And continue your voyage on the "permanent learning curve" making choices to go straight, right or left as you become the IT specialist in the field of (insert choice here), and make lots of money (hopefully 6 figures) to pay the tuition fees, or student loans, or rich relative(s), or Guido, Mario, Tony "The Bruiser" Gardiino, and the family.

I wish you the best, however it works out!

Sincerely, Bumblefoot
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