Ima newbie here so I'm not sure where to start but here goes...
I bought a new computer six-months ago, and I made the stupid decision to upgrade to Vista from XP. For the past two months Vista has been NOTHING but TROUBLE. It first crashed two weeks before Christmas (great present, eh?) and everything happened... at this point i dont remeber what exactly (but i did get several errors then got the Blue Screen of Death), fortuntaly i was able to somehow fix it after 3 days nonstop and i have no idea how. i followed A LOT of advice from different forums and something stuck.
Then two weeks later... BAM. again. same crap (except the Death Screen) but easier to fix as it only took me several hours then again a few days after that the same thing. Even made the decision to reinstall over the original Vista so it doesnt happen again but ... computer was Fixed, it was fine, then today. BAM.
Ima bout to lose it and the next time this happenes Im ready to just throw my computer OUT the WINDOW!!!
So heres what i figured is the problem though i have no idea how it happenes, why, or how to fix it.
The problem, when it does happen... No operating system shows up on start up... (now this doesnt happened all the time as WHEN i do get into my computer and it works fine, until this happenes again.)
I am up to date on all Vista Updates. But it doesnt seem to be a problem as i did this about 2 weeks ago and everything was fine.
I dont know what computer info i'm supposed to supply and where to find it.
What i have done to try and fix this since it started happening in December is (and hasnt worked):
System Restore
Vista reinstallation (not a Clean one, on top of the current.)
Last Good Configuration
System Repair from Installation CD
Virus Scans
PC clean up (Auslogics, Boost Speed) (registrty cleanup, defreagment, ect.)
Hardware Diagonostics
... and the rest? I have no idea.
ive written an essay and im not sure im explaining it right so heres the deal.
the computer works fine until the day i turn it on and CANNOT get into the log in screen. No operating system LOADS because Disk C and Vista do not show up. its as if Vista is missing but its not bc once i start restarting, command promts, repairs... i EVENTUALLY get to the log in screen and then everything is OK.
so i hope this just just some slight problem i can get FIXED permentaly bc at this point im about ready to give up. i cannot keep dealing with this one problem, even thoug im getting faster at fixing it by doing random things. its beyond frustrating and i am seriously going to throw this comp out the window if this keeps happening...
ARRRR.... sowwie for the Rant... the long essay rant.
Hope someone out there in the internet universe can help me out and make it all better
Thanks a Bunch!