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Lost sound

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  • PipPip
  • 12 posts
Ive got at best 10% of normal sound at the moment, and that is with the sound controls maxed and the volume control on my speakers maxxed. And thats for only those things that were recorded at an unusually high level, the rest I cant hear at all.

I reformatted/restored my computer and the problem persisted. Im up to date with all the latest patches and updates from Microsoft, wondered if one of their updates might have included an incompatible driver but then Id guess Id have no sound at all.

Ive got Windows XP home on an eMachines T3304, AMD Sempron processor, sound is Realtek AC97 audio.

Any ideas?
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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 32 posts
Have you tried disconnecting all speaker wires then reconnecting them?
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