I have gotten quite a bit of help on here since I have thrown my self into building/messing with computers the last few weeks. So thanks to all of you!
However, I want to learn more and often I find that, since I am so new, I may come off as a complete idiot LOL. I had an audio wire from a cd-rom attached to a hard drive the other day to give you an idea. =)
I have no previous training or friends that has helped me in the past or now. But, with the help of Troy, a trusted tech volunteer, I was able to build my first computer out of old P3 era stuff. I am absolutely obsessed and fascinated with computers...I was a geek all along and never knew it.
I have decided I would like to go to school to learn how to build, repair, and work with computers. I need to look into where to go...Does anyone have any recomendations for me? I live in St. Louis, MO.
Also, since I'm so new, where can I go to ask questions like "where does an audio wire go from the cd" or "how do you change a bios setting" etc. I feel like geekstogo.com is pretty advanced and the terminology is sometimes way over my head. Are there any websites, chats, or forums for beginners to learn or ask tons of questions? If I posted a topic everytime I needed a question answered on here, I would have 100's of posts.
I guess what I am saying is I need a person or place to go where I can just ask question after question...instead of having to google every single little thing like I have been having to do. A lot of times the question seems to novice for the searches.
So, in conclusion, I want to go to school to get better at this and someday make some money at it hopefully while having a blast at it. Any suggestions? And, can anyone give me some suggestions on where I can go to ask all the beginners questions?