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Delete false drives?

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A little while ago I was on vacation and the computer was at home without my supervision. Turns out, it needs me to watch over it, because my brother went out and bought a program that would let him play games without the discs. It was called a virtual drive program or something like that. Anyways... now my computer has four 'cd-rom' drives that the computer 'sees' and even has drivers for, but don't actually exist. This is not including the DVD-RW drive that is also mentioned in Disk Management, but is the only actual drive I have.

How do I clear these away? They don't seem to be causing any problems yet, but I am almost dead sure they will be a headache in the future.

While I wait, I'm going to go smack my brother. XD
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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These programs can be useful and most of them are freeware anyway.
Such examples include Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120 and others - most of them will have entries in Add/Remove Programs.
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