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Vista + XP install problems

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Well i'm having problems, and i've been working back and forth today with this problem. Now i'm tired of this and ask you guys for help.

I decided to make an extra partition on my HDD, to install XP on while using Vista on the other.
Xp installation CD did not detect more then one partition.
So i installed Xp over the vista OS.
Or tried to.
It formatted, restarted and booted right into the installation CD again, instead of starting the installation.
So i formatted again just to see, but the same problem occured.
Thats when i figured i should try to install Vista over again, because this just wasn't worth it.
But then as it came to choosing partition, Vista didn't detect any Drive at all.
Then i found my old hdd, and tried to install Xp on one of the partition wihtout an OS, but as it restartedafter the formatting, and was about to enter the installation program, i got a missing file message. (I do not remember which file.) So i formatted again, this time it was having problems with a file called "NTLDR"

Now i've installed XP and Vista on my computer several times without these problems, i recently got a new HDD but i've tried vista on it twice without having any issues.
So I'm guessing i need some SATA drivers or something, but i don't know which or where to find them. And i don't get why all of the sudden, i can't install Vista without errors like this.

Vista Home Premium 32
Xp Home
Motherboard: Asus M2NS-NVM
HDD New: HD103UJ

I'll appreciate any help.
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I tried some more.

On my old HDD i was able to install Vista, but keep getting errors with Xp after it's formatted.
My new HDD is unable to install both OS, however The bios detects the HDD.
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