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Can't get Windows 7 to see HD I'd like to install to.

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  • PipPipPip
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Running Windows Vista Ultimate with three hard drives.

The first HD has two partitions. The first partition is for OS and Programs. The second partition is for my restore data. The second and third HDs are set at RAID 0 and hold all of my data. All drives are SATA.

I added a fourth drive today (also SATA) and booted. BIOS picked up on the new drive and I let the system boot into Windows Vista Ultimate as it normally would. I formated the drive in NTFS and gave it a drive letter. For testing, I moved small amounts of data to and from the drive.

When I boot from the Windows 7 CD, I can see the first HD first partition but I can't install there because that's where my Vista Ultimate is. I can see the first HD second partition but it houses my restore data and is too small to install an OS to. I can see the two RAID 0 drives, but they both show up as two (1 TB) HDs when they are actually two 500GB HDs striped to look like a 1 TB HD. I can't see the fourth hard drive I just added and I can't figure it out.

If I reboot into Windows Vista Ultimate again, I can see the drive, access it, etc. It's only the Windows 7 Installer that can't see this drive.

Any ideas?


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