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Adobe Flash Player won't run on my new Vista machine

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I just bought an HP TouchSmart laptop with Vista, 64bit. I understand that Adobe Flash Player won't run on 64 bit, but after reading another string on how to run a 32 bit version of IE, I still can't make it work. Can someone offer instructions in lay terms? I'm really missing Youtube. Thanks.
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    Kraków my love :)

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Did you try to install Flash? What happens?
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I did install Adobe Flash Player, it says it installed fine. Adobe's website says it won't work with 64 bit and they suggest using 32 bit. I have two versions of IE on this machine, one says 64, the other doesn't say. I tried both without success.
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    Kraków my love :)

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Did you check, if same thing happens in Firefox?
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Hi Janice, ,
I had exactly the same problem a few months ago when i installed vista x64 on my new quad core machine that i built.
As you say, adobe still havent adrressed the flash player problem for vista x64, but HAVE for linux x64 bit users ( no guessing where adobes loyalties lie eh ! ) , ,but keep promising to get a windows fix out as soon as they can.

In your programs list from the start orb there will be 2 seperate internet explorers , , one is x64 bit, and the other is explorer x32 bit.
Vista x64 ALWAYS installs a 32 bit explorer as a default along with a x64 bit explorer as well. If as you say , both are not running flash player then have you made sure that you have installed flash player from the 32 bit explorer as well. When adobe says it has installed flash without problem from x 54 bit explorer , ,then take it from me, , , it hasnt, , it will say it has, , but it hasnt.
Install flash from both explorers , , then try and go tu u tube again and see what happens,, , ,

Good luck ! , , , , And Adobe , , hurry up ! !
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