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Internet Update issue

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Basically I can't update any of my anti-virus programs, ad-aware, trend micro, AVG, Malware-bytes, and kaspersky ( i don't have all of these at once just what I tried over the last week or so ). Kaspersky doesn't even open and after erroring out a few times i get a blue screen and when I try and manually download ad-aware or avg it re-directs the page to the attached file, every update I try that fails manually looks like this. I really don't know what to do about this but I know something is wrong. I have this registry mechanic thing but not really sure if that's good or not.
Not sure what information you need so just lemme know ill see what i can do.

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K, I fixed this with that malwarebytes software, it found about 10 dnschargers which I knew i had but couldn't find. Was able to update Trend Micro.
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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post a hijackthis log in THAT forum.
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