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Windows Startup Error

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Today my bro slammed my laptop down, like how one closes it to sleep mode, but he slammed it really hard. I open it back up and nothing starts up so I manually shut it down. Now when I turn it on, it brings me to a screen that says

"Windows Error Recovery

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be
the cause.

If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, startup
repair can help diagnose and fix the problem. If power was interrupted
during startup, choose start windows normally.

Launch Startup Repair (recommended)
Start Windows Normally"

At first, I had no idea this screen popped up, as I left and came back. So when I came back, windows went into Startup Repair mode, and I had no idea, so I manually shut down again. I tried to start normally and it didn't work. It keeps showing the load screen without the Vista boot logo. Then I try the Launch Startup Repair and that won't work now. It gets past the load screen(still no Vista boot logo) but then goes blank and my mouse shows up a few minutes later.

Then, I click on my windows media direct connect button instead of my power button to start my laptop and see if anything happens. The computer starts, but I get a windowslogon.exe error and then the blue screen of death. I restart my comp and get this message

"windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windows root system32hal.dll" It tells me to re-install and reboot, does anyone know how to fix this???
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    Kraków my love :)

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There is a possibility, the hard drive got damaged.
Check this: http://pcsupport.abo...ssinghaldll.htm
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In all likely hood you have a potentially damaged hard drive. At the very least you have had data corruption.

1) start with a checkdisk:

2) repair install of the operating system
excellent guide here: http://www.bleepingc...utorial148.html

3) run hard drive diags (either check with laptop vendor for diags or go directly to hdd manufacturer)

How to Run Check Disk in the Command Prompt :
NOTE: If you cannot get Chkdsk to run at startup, then run chkdsk from the recovery console off the Vista install
disk. Select Command Prompt from step 6 here: How to Do a Startup Repair in Vista
1. Open Start Menu.
2. In white line (Start Search) area, type cmd
3. Right click cmd (At Top), and click Run as administrator.
4. Click Continue button for UAC prompt.
5. In command prompt , type chkdsk /? for a complete list of commands with information on each.
6. In command prompt, type chkdsk followed by one or a combination of switches listed below and press Enter.
EX: Type chkdsk /f /r for a thorough disk check with repair and recovery.

to be honest, if the hal is corrupt, you will probably end up reinstalling the operating system with whatever method provided by your laptop manufacturer
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Huh? A damaged hard drive? I don't think so. Have you tried...reinstalling? It's just a hunch--based on the suggestion in the error message!
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