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how to create a link to my original post

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  • PipPip
  • 23 posts
no reply after 3 days. want to go to Waiting Room.
Don't know how to create a link.
please help/ Thank you.
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 299 posts
Hi there

Open your post, the one you want to link to.

Now, set your cursor in the address field at either far left or right.
Hold down left mouse-button, and then drag your cursor to the other side.
Release left mouse-button. The txt should now be highlighted.
Press CTRL + C for copying the highlighted text to your clipboard.

Next, go to the waiting room.
Start a new post.
Write something to describe your link, like; Had no reply in three days, here.
Now highlight the sentence, same method as above.
Next look to the top of the text-box, just to the right of the smiley(s) there is a
button with a green + symbol, click that one.
Clear the HTTP//:,
Now it is time to insert what you have copyed to your clipboard.
Press CTRL + V to insert your copyed text. Click ok, one workable link.


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    OT Moderator

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thanks Abydos for jumping in an answering that one :)
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 299 posts

thanks Abydos for jumping in an answering that one :)

No problem at all :)
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