Normally my laptop runs sound just fine, however I have been having instances when I am playing music I have on my computer. I could be in the middle of China Roses by Enya when all of a sudden I get this weird sound. The best way to describe the noise is one strum of an electric guitar. Sometimes it happens when I am playing my music and multitasking with my laptop, sometimes it happens when my laptop is sitting on my desk and it's only playing my music, and sometimes it happens when I'm typing in word or doing an internet search and Windows Media Player isn't even open.
I just want to know what's up before I go take it anywhere and try to convince people it's making an electric guitar strum sound. To answer any questions about if I have an electric guitar, the answer is no, and an electric guitar has never been plugged into my laptop. It's not even a year old, maybe 6 months and though it's been dropped one time, it was making this random noise before it fell.
So, anyone have any idea what's up? Or does my laptop believe it should have been born an electric guitar?