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Is there a training forum or link?

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    Spyware Veteran

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One last thing i havent really found though. Is there a safe way to edit the MBR meaning Master boot Record without flushing or zero'ing the hd? Is there a tutorial for that or a class?

Promise not to faint and only use it on your own computer? :)
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    Malware Slayer Extraordinaire!

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If you'd like i can list my entire folder of stuff i use.

I am very interested in seeing this list.

The average guide i write for each pc is about four to six pages on average.

Any chance of seeing one of these guides?



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    Banned Troll

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These may be good reasons as to why you aren't getting many/any people to sign up for your "school:"

http://techforum.ipb...p?showtopic=302 -- I especially love this:

There are no "symptoms" of a virus other than slow performance.

These are questions and comments from Admins on your site? :)
Compare the credentials of the teachers/staff/helpers here (Microsoft MVPs) versus the staff on your site (Donkey Kong Champ). This is no contest! I would rather learn from the true experts than stumble through malware removal with someone who is unable to figure out how to run a Ventrilo server. :)

However, you did accomplish that which, most likely, was your ultimate goal: you got me to your website! :)

It is my (very humble) opinion that you should "re-enroll" in the training here, scrap the repair/removal portion of your forum and just utilize it for your gaming contacts.


I was not an a admin or moderator or tech support at the time and through those posts they are young i knowledge but thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Listen here Elster. I have security settings on this computer and my entire maxed out and also i cannot properly host a vent server due to my router not being able to support one. So think a bit before you assume something.

If you cant do research and just assume that im going to scrap a forum to join training here etc and just do gaming?!!

Number one i dont have time to play games unless i wont to see how they work.
Number two if that forum made your head hurt then you have issues as ive already seen.
Number three as for gaming contacts are concerned im more into fixing and helping other computers stay clean.
Number four credentials are on the rise but slow since i have not been a mod or forum mod only for a while.
Number five no comment on the contest stuff but one thing i can say. That site will be in a different league eventually and i can actually say it will be above this forum one day.
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    Banned Troll

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Very well said, Elster. :)

Gmanson, as you well know, you were never in training here under this nickname. That's interesting. What name was it you trained under?

pff. I cant remember because i had conflicts with others on this site and i left which was more like banned. For what reason i am not going to state it would be a waste of time.
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Very well said, Elster. :)

Gmanson, as you well know, you were never in training here under this nickname. That's interesting. What name was it you trained under?

pff. I cant remember because i had conflicts with others on this site and i left which was more like banned. For what reason i am not going to state it would be a waste of time.

And for that reason, you are now banned again. Thank you for confirming that fact for me. :)
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