Vista 64
E8400 core 2 duo
4gb corsair 800 memory
500gb seagate HDD
HD4850 MSI graphics card
Initially I thought the graphics card was the culprit, so I bout a different graphics card, but I still get the freezing issues. I'm extremely new to debuging and crash dumps, but I think the problem has something to do with dxgkrnl.sys. I've attached the minidump file from C:\windows\minidump
The temps of my processor/case never get about 60, and are at 42 idle. The HD4850 is notorious for overheating (but they say it still works fine) so my idle temps are around 70C and when gaming can be 103C. I feel like this is not a hardware problem, but some sort of software issue/conflict. Any guidance? Thanks in advance.