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Hello. I'm totally frustrated with the ocean of info out there regarding burning a dvd.....yet I still can't do it. My situation is this...I have already downloaded an episode of LOST. It automatically went into "real player"...so that's where it is. It seems you can't burn it onto a dvd for free....(although they have a free trial where you still need to give your credit card #, so I'm staying clear of that) on "real player". So I downloaded DVD Santa, thinking it might be easier. So can I now put the episode of Lost into my free dvd santa?? Because if I can get it into there, I think I SHOULD be able to burn it to a dvd.

My computer was our family computer when I was married, and I know my x used to burn movies on it....so I know I have everything to do it, but just not the knowhow. Any advice would be appreciated :)
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