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Dual Booting help

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hey guys,your site is very helpful and thanks for the help you guys have already provided me........What I need isn't necessarily help but answers Right now I am using Daemon tools lite which mounts ISO files so you can run programs that usually need disks to run.anyways I have the Windows 7 ISO Mounted through the program so the computer thinks it has the installation DVD of windows 7 in one of 4 of my Virtual drives.I start it up and I have the installation GUI and everything.But I'm worryed to install it because I probably would get in trouble for losing all of my files and everyone elses files.And there is a option to upgrade to it so I wont lose my files.Thats good and all but I dont know how the users of this computer would react to me just upgrading the computer........So I would wish that someone here can teach me how to Multiboot two operating systems so they can choose which one they want to use and doing so with out using my files
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Buy a second hard drive, put it in, set Windows 7 up on that drive.
Then you can use the computer's "boot device priority" (the boot menu - typically F11 or Esc) to pick a drive to boot so you can go into Windows 7 whenever you fancy.
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Only if I knew that faster..........MY brother hes even more of a computer jock then I am so the moment he seen that I could install it he clicked it so here I am using windows 7
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Get Partition Magic 8.0 or perhaps better: Get Partition Manager by Paragon.

I have been running Win 7 Beta as the foruth OS on my system using Boot Magic, an accessary which comes with Partition Magic 8.0 and I hope with Partition Manager, which I intend to buy.

Note: Partition Magic does not seem to be able to resize or move the Win 7 partition. I think this is due to something done during the install of Win 7 Beta.

I used Partiton Magic to create a new partition for Win 7 Beta and had no trouble installing in that partition. It is probably the safest way to go. Boot Magic displays a menu, allowing you to pick the OS when you boot. If you do not make a choice in 30 (adjustable) seconds, lt boots the default OS.

Boot Magic is a great gadjet, which I have been using for years. The PM 8.0 version of Boot Magic will not run in an NTFS partition, but I am hoping that some similar accessary with Partition Manager 9.0 will allow this. One OS on my system is Windows 98 SE, which is where I installed Boot Magic. I think it installs like a DOS applicaiton and can be put into a small FAT Partition which does not have an OS. PM will make FAT partitions.
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well is it to late to do that like installing a earlier version of windows through partitions in 7.........I understand the concept and everything but I'm iffy with this because they will most likely run terribly because the memory has to spared amongst the OS's
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