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Hi i work on Ctrl Center at OfficeMax on Puerto Rico, Ctrl Center is similar to Firedog and Geeksquad the only problem i have they paid me $9.00 dollar per hour. I thinks this is not enough money to me because i have A+, Network+, MCP, MCDST, MCITP and Apple Certified. I am a little scary to move like freelancer because the economy is very bad. But can someone give me good suggestion to make more money that ctrl center or other business that can make here in computer.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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You are correct, you should be making more money.
Aside from finding a better job,
1) find out what you must do legally to open a business from your home.
2) Find out when to put an ad in the phone book. (here it is now because the phone book comes out in July) Do not get cheap here, a good ad will make you more money. Advertise your qualifications.
3) Do not quit your day job unless you have enough money saved to get by. (If you do not have some one who can answer the phone you will have to use an answering machine)
Take it slow, do not get excited, and build your own business up.
This is a risk, so do not burn any bridges!
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