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AutoComplete When Saving Files

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When I save a picture, the AutoComplete function used to show up if I had a few photographs with the same name type.

For instance, I have several photographs of my nephew....each picture is named John 1, John 2, etc.

I used to just start typing "Jo..." and it would pop up "John 1." Now when I do this, the AutoComplete function will not pop up. I will have to type the whole file name out. This is burdensome, because I have so many photos I can never remember where I left off. When I used to type "John 14" it would pop up "John 14" as well as "John 141" "John 142" "John 143"....so that I could see where the series ended.

Also, I notice that I have to actually type what type of file it is. So for example, "John 150.jpg" I used to just be able to type out the file name and it would save it as a jpg, or gif or whatever type of file that the picture was. If I just type "John 150" it will save the file as an unkown file, because I didn't type "jpg" after the file name.

I think these issues are related because they both started happening around the same time.

I am running Windows Vista with Office 2000.

By the way, I have already tried the following solution by going through RegEdit:

1) Navigate the Registry to My Computer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Microsoft, Command Processor.

2) In the right pane, double-click "CompletionChar" and key in "9", then press "OK".

This did not work.

Appreciate any feedback.

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Hello prettyvacant...

Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Microsoft, Command Processor.

Double-click on "CompletionChar". The value in the Value Data field should be 40 and the Base (radio buttons on the right) should be Hexidecimal.

Apply the change and reboot.

Does this resolve the issue?

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Hi Wannabe1, thanks for the response. I actually just tried doing this and even after a reboot it did not resolve the issue.

Any other ideas?
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