Upgrading from XP to Vista has been a source of frustration for many users. Oftentimes it's easier to bite the bullet, wipe the hard drive, and start over. I suspect that this comes from Vista trying to import everything that it can from the XP installation - and that minor incompatibilities may sneak in.
I'd suspect that the Kaspersky has issues with some of your imported XP drivers (just a guess on my part). I'd suggest updating all of your drivers to the latest available Vista version. Then ensure that Windows is fully updated. Then try the Kaspersky again.
That being said, the RAID F6 Floppy probably isn't needed as the system is functioning now.
There's several methods to access the driver to see if it's needed.
First, go to Start and type in "devmgmt.msc" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
Look for any red x's or yellow ?'s - are there any? And, if so, what do they say?
If not, then you can extract the drivers from the installation package and see what versions they are. Then you can compare them with the Controller drivers listed in Device Management. If they're newer, then you can right click on the Controller device and select Update Drivers. When the Hardware Wizard opens, you can point the program at the driver files located wherever you extracted the new one's to.
The easiest method requires that you have a floppy drive (and a blank disk). A USB floppy drive will work for this purpose. Execute the driver that you downloaded and it should ask for a blank floppy. Extract the files to the floppy, and then use the above procedure to point the device installer at the files on the floppy.
Edited by usasma, 02 April 2009 - 07:27 AM.