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I have been working with Spysentinel. Originally, one of my problems was a phishing scam. I was also unable to download and subject to a system crash every 10 minutes. Finally, I couldn't get online and had to do, ultimately, 4 clean installs each time because I was either unable to get online or once, onto the internet. The first install got rid of the Cyberdefender file that was causing most of my problems, but now my C drive thinks it is full. I have deleted every file I can, shrunk the D partition, but still have less than 300 megabytes in the C drive. We were going to try to remove the D partition. It seems likely that there are 2 copies of Vista in the C drive.

My os disk is not Vista, it is one that came with the computer.

I can no longer boot off the os disk. I have treated it really carefully. Gateway (the manufacturer) thinks this is a computer problem. I believe them.

I am a confused beginner. I can follow detailed directions, though for whatever reason, the results are not always what they should be.

Spysentinel said to send a link to my topic and to PM Happyrock to help. He said a reformat was probably in order. I don't know how to send a link and can find no number to identify my post. It is in the malware forum under phishing scam, dated Feb. 15. I was going by Traveler760 then.

I think I can figure out how to PM you, so I will try. If anyone can tell me how to provide the needed link, please email me at [e-mail removed].
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found you...let me go read thru the original topic you started with Spysentinel...may not get to it tonite though...just got back at 2:30 AM last nite from a trip ...I will help you though...just be patient...
give me the make and model of your computer...

Edited by happyrock, 07 April 2009 - 06:09 PM.

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I'm only part way through your topic with Spysentinel...I see a pattern though...he asks you to do something and you (on your own) do 2 or 3 other things that only make things worse...you need to stop that and only do what your told to do and report on exactly what the results were and then await further instructions...
I was gone for 4 days and I have to catch up on my own work but as time permits I will finish reading your original topic...
give me the make and model of your computer...

1 - go to Start and type in perfmon /report and press Enter

Let the report run while checking the next 2 items.
When it's done, let me know about any issues that it may have found.

2 - go to Start and type in compmgmt.msc and press Enter
First, click on the + sign next to Reliability and Performance
Next, click on the + sign next to Monitoring Tools
Then click on Reliability Monitor
Let me know about any errors mentioned there.

3 - in the same window as the step above, click the + sign next to Event Viewer
Next, click on the + sign next to Windows Logs
Then check both the Application and System log files for any errors...Let me know what you find.

also run RSIT again and post only this part of the log...

Logfile of random's system information tool 1.05 (written by random/random)
Run by Metta at 2009-03-02 21:26:53
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Service Pack 1
System drive C: has 98 GB (70%) free of 140 GB
Total RAM: 2038 MB (44% free)

Edited by happyrock, 08 April 2009 - 08:08 AM.

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So far (more to come):
Windows Logs
System application
Error 4/8 system restore event ID 8193 Task category: none
Warning 4/6 1:44:23 pm windows ba
Warning 4/6 1:43:37 pm windows ba
Warning 4/6 1:34:23 pm windows ba
Error 4/6 1:26:25 pm windows ba
Error 4/6 1:26:12 pm windows ba
error 4/6 1:24:25 pm windows ba
Error 4/6 1:23:03 pm windows ba
Error 4/5 3:15:14 am WMI
Warning 4/5 3:13:50 am User Profile
Error 4/4 1:19:33 System Restore
Error 4/4 1:19:33 System Restore
Error 4/4 9:07:25 System Restore
Error 4/2 12:14:45 System Restore
Error 4/2 12;11 System Restore
Error 4/1 10:51:36 WMI
Warning 4/1 10:50:20 User Profile
Error 4/1 10:44:18pm System Restore
Error 4/1 10:42:02pm System Restore
Error 4/1 10:41:55pm System Restore
Error 4/1 09:15:55pm Customer Ex...
Error 4/1 02:10:44am WMI
Warning 4/1 02:09:14am User Profile
Warning 4/1 02:09:14am Winlogon


E 4/1 1:59:12am WMI
e 4/1 1;58:38 Event system
W 4/1 31 Winlogon
W 4/1 31 User Profile
E 3/31 11:19:51p WMI
W 3/31 18:49 User Profile
E 3/30 9:27:53pm Search
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
W " 1:50:01 pm ESENT
E 3/27 4:34:55pm System Restore
E " " " "
E " 3:05:18 PCPitstop S...
E " 13 "
E " 12:56:09pm System Restore
E 3/26 5:04:13pm " "
E " " " "
E 3/22 9:43:31pm WMI
E " 9:06:50pm WMI
W " 6:08:47PM User Profile
W " 46 " "
E 3/21 4:28:41pm WMI
W " 4:24:07pm Winlogon
E " 9:08:07 .NET Runti...: a TOTAL OF 37 ALL ON 3/21 WITHIN ABOUT 4 MINUTES
E " " 7:53pm " "
E " " " " "
E " " :48 " "
E " " :43 " "
E " " :38 " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "
E " " "

E " 12:58:41pm Application
W " 42:37 Search
W " " "
E 3/20 :51:42pm WMI
E " 9:26:59pm System Restore
W " 07:08 User Profile
W 07 " "
E " 8:52:58 WMI
E " " Search
E " " :14 "
E " 51:53pm "
W " :43 "
E " :43 "
W " " "
W " 8:48:20 User Profile
W " :19 " "
E " 47:34 WMI
W " 15 Search
E " " "
W " " "
W 04 "
E " " "
W " " "
W " 8:46:45 "
E " " "
W " " "
W " " "
E " " "
W " " "
W " " "
E " :33 "
W " :31 "
E " 8:41:07 System Restore
W " " User Profile
W " :01 " "
E " 8:39:33pm .NET Runti...
E " :30 " "
E " :24 " "
W " 8:37:31pm Search
E " " "
W " " "
E " 21 "
W " " "
W " 8:36.50 "
E " " "
W " " "
E " :33 WMI
W " :19 Search
E " " "
W " :16 "
W " 8:32:47pm Winlogon
E " :37 WMI
W " 8:27:42 User Profile
W " :41 " "
E " :19 ESENT
E " 6:53:43 WMI
W " 31 Search
W " 6:47:56 Security Lic...

That's all I can do tonight. I have copied the entire Windows log by hand and will enter it ASAP: I have a bad cold and that took so long, I can barely move my hands. But I'll do my best to get it to you tomorrow if I can. Hijack this and RSIT are no longer installed. I had to uninstall everything I could.
I didn't know if you needed the times above: they helped me keep my place. Do you need the warnings from the second log?, or just the error messages? I may be able to reinstall RSIT: instructions, under the circumstances would be helpful. Thank you.

Edited by traveler818, 08 April 2009 - 11:57 PM.

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don't bother with the rest of the logs...I've seen enough

go here post number 2 for the instructions on RSIT

run RSIT again and post only this part of the log..

Logfile of random's system information tool 1.05 (written by random/random)
Run by Metta at 2009-03-02 21:26:53
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Service Pack 1
System drive C: has 98 GB (70%) free of 140 GB
Total RAM: 2038 MB (44% free)

Edited by happyrock, 09 April 2009 - 06:34 AM.

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Logfile of random's system information tool 1.06 (written by random/random)
Run by metta at 2009-04-10 15:27:21
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium Service Pack 1
System drive C: has 159 MB (1%) free of 12 GB
Total RAM: 2038 MB (47% free)

My computer is a Gateway laptop model #ML6731
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here is what happened...
you went from..System drive C: has 98 GB (70%) free of 140 GB
to this...System drive C: has 159 MB (1%) free of 12 GB
you somehow shrunk the OS partition (C:) to only 12 GB from 140 GB...less than 10 % of the original size

at this point it will be much easier to just format the drive and start fresh..
FYI...the D: drive is a recovery partition only...none of your data is/should be on that partition...ever

did you back up your data like you were told to do in your phishing scam topic

does An F11 prompt appear after completing POST when the computer is powered on...if so press F11
or can you ...From the Start menu, point to All Programs, and then click System Recovery...
in either case tell me what your options are
in either case don't do anything...just tell me the options it gives you...

Edited by happyrock, 09 April 2009 - 06:12 PM.

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I was unable to do a system backup. I tried again tonight. Both times, the system tried to create a shadow copy, then I got a red line with a message saying "Backup did not complete successfully. Insufficient storage available to create either a shadow copy, storage file, or other shadow data (0x8004231F)".

Under Last Successful Backup, it says N/A.

There is data in the D drive but I don't know how it got there. (At one point my system was set to do automatic backups [?])

I don't see POST when I power on. I know nothing about it.

From START, I chose ALL PROGRAMS. System Recovery was not one of the options.

MISC: This happened after a clean install. At one point, Spysentinel had me choose format. That didn't work. His next step was to do another clean install and remove the D partition, however, that is when the computer would no longer boot off the os disk. Each install seemed to make it (the C drive) a little worse (negligible), but there was no other way I knew to get online, which forced the first 3 installs, I think. That is why we thought there might be 2 copies of Vista in the C drive. The install didn't go as the instructions said it would: it was much easier: no activation code, no BIOS settings, very basic and easy. Little of it was in my control except the format and the last part, which I don't recall though it was basic. It's not a Vista disk proper, but the one that came with the computer. Even from the BIOS window (F8 or F10?), it won't boot from a CD/DVD.

Edited by traveler818, 10 April 2009 - 04:28 AM.

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what I mean when I say backup is.... burn your data, pictures and music to cd's or dvd's to get it OFF the computer...
let me know when the data is burned to dvd's..make sure a different computer can read the data...

I don't see POST when I power on. I know nothing about it.

try pressing the F11 key about 10 seconds after you power up the computer

Edited by happyrock, 10 April 2009 - 07:17 AM.

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No, F11 does not appear after POST when I power on. POST ran in standard mode and said no errors detected.

I tried to burn all my files to a CD, but the computer copied them instead. I will try again tomorrow, but I am at a loss. Any direction would be appreciated.

Sorry I didn't respond yesterday--was really sick.

It will probably be Tuesday before I can see if the disk can be read at the library computer (closed til then.)

NEW NEWS: I recently found out that the computer will once again boot off the OS disk, if that makes a difference.

Also, all I've done since I got this computer is repair, so if you're just asking me to protect files I don't want to lose, I can print them at the library--may take a couple of days. All I have is a few emails and a few short word processor files. If the entire email has to come off, then tell me how.

Also, what about my DSL: I have a disk. Will I need to reinstall it?

Edited by traveler818, 15 April 2009 - 05:12 PM.

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I found a Gateway (with Vista) at work the other day that wouldn't access the recovery partition unless you booted to the Safe Mode screen and selected the Repair Your Computer option. Gateway had modified the Startup Repair initial screen to reflect the Gateway Recovery options as the last choice on that page.

Booting from another Vista disk didn't show this option.
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[quote name='traveler818' date='Apr 11 2009, 09:12 PM' post='1508814']
No, F11 does not appear after POST when I power on. POST ran in standard mode and said no errors detected.

I tried to burn all my files to a CD, but the computer copied them instead. I will try again tomorrow, but I am at a loss. Any direction would be appreciated.

Sorry I didn't respond yesterday--was really sick.

It will probably be Tuesday before I can see if the disk can be read at the library computer (closed til then.)

NEW NEWS: I recently found out that the computer will once again boot off the OS disk, if that makes a difference.

Also, all I've done since I got this computer is repair, so if you're just asking me to protect files I don't want to lose, I can print them at the library--may take a couple of days. All I have is a few emails and a few short word processor files. If the entire email has to come off, then tell me how.

Also, what about my DSL: I have a disk. Will I need to reinstall it?

FOLLOWUP: Haven't heard back from you ie the above. Also just got buried in legal/DMV-disability type stuff. I still have the same questions except I can't find the word processor, so it would just be emails. As soon as I get my legal issues under control. Wasn't able to get tp the library yet for the same reasons: When I tried to remove files, and they copied instead, everything fit on one 80-minute CD--doesn't it usually require about 7?
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[quote name='traveler818' date='Apr 11 2009, 09:12 PM' post='1508814']
No, F11 does not appear after POST when I power on. POST ran in standard mode and said no errors detected.

I tried to burn all my files to a CD, but the computer copied them instead. I will try again tomorrow, but I am at a loss. Any direction would be appreciated.

Sorry I didn't respond yesterday--was really sick.

It will probably be Tuesday before I can see if the disk can be read at the library computer (closed til then.)

NEW NEWS: I recently found out that the computer will once again boot off the OS disk, if that makes a difference.

Also, all I've done since I got this computer is repair, so if you're just asking me to protect files I don't want to lose, I can print them at the library--may take a couple of days. All I have is a few emails and a few short word processor files. If the entire email has to come off, then tell me how.

Also, what about my DSL: I have a disk. Will I need to reinstall it?

FOLLOWUP: Haven't heard back from you ie the above. Also just got buried in legal/DMV-disability type stuff. I still have the same questions except I can't find the word processor, so it would just be emails, as soon as I get my legal issues under control. Wasn't able to get tp the library yet for the same reasons: When I tried to remove files, and they copied instead, everything fit on one 80-minute CD--doesn't it usually require about 7?
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Still haven't heard back. If nec., how do I get the files OFF my computer, and do I need to or are we just trying to protect them. I've been searching for paperwork for the DMV--I give up--will call tomorrow and try to get that issue resolved. Then I want this computer back to normal.

So I still have the same questions. Since it will boot off the OS disk again, is there a way to repair it that way? I've been deleting daily so I can keep using the computer and am waiting for further instruction. Was able to install some antimalware. I run it until I run out of megabytes, then uninstall it. I actually got from 0 to 500 MB, but with the malware installed, am at 166. Almost everyday, I'm prompted by the computer to run Clean Disk, which always helps, but not much since I deleted everything nonessential.

Please reply.
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Sorry, but I've got a bundle in my lap also (VA disability, work issues, wife out of town, etc).
Generally I work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - so I'm "computered out" when I get home. Most times I spend the other days on the web - but with the wife out of town I've gotta keep up with the housework too!

The number one priority here is backing up your stuff. If you can't afford to lose it, then it needs to be backed up. Then we can proceed with attempted fixes.

As happyrock advised, it's probably best just to format and reinstall (and it'll save you time) - but you'll need to backup your stuff before doing this as a format will wipe everything off of the hard drive.
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