what I mean when I say backup is.... burn your data, pictures and music to cd's or dvd's to get it OFF the computer...
let me know when the data is burned to dvd's..make sure a different computer can read the data...try pressing the F11 key about 10 seconds after you power up the computerI don't see POST when I power on. I know nothing about it.
Sorry for the late repy: I saw an opening to work on this. No luck, then got sick for a week.
Though I have no idea how my C partition shrunk. I know in part, how my D partition got so full, but the rest beffudles me: It contains programs I deleted many weeks ago. If a program uninstalls improperly, the remnants go to the D drive. I no longer have an F partiton, and since it was (I believe) for backup, it was still on the computer. I need to get an eternal drive. I want to empty drive D if necessary too.
Ie getting data off the computer, does that mean that it won't be on the system for the time being (as opposed to having a copy online and one on CD?
When I ran the last 2 system backups I ran off the C drive (to try to get the info off my computer). but it copied instead, so I need some really basic instructions on how to get what I need off the C partition (emails?, wordprocessor docs....--anything else?)--I have no websites. I used the burn command at the top and heard the floppy drive working. But it copied.
(FYI Since I got this computer in Dec, I've spent most of my time working on it or getting simple things the don't sell here, like CD's. Mu music driver apparently became corrupted long ago. The volume was almost gone. It seems OK now. Any way, I haven't done anything with media but get confused.

Edited by traveler818, 07 May 2009 - 03:58 PM.