Hello, I am new and I don't have any formal training or anything. I read whatever I can whenever I can to constantly learn more about pc problems I run into and I seem to have hit a snag. I recently installed Vista Ultimate 64bit and I knew I had to install AHCI drivers during the OS installation, but when I was installing Vista, it never asked me for third party driver. Everything works fine except I have two SATA ports that are just collecting dust inside. I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and I've been reading upon it for about 2 hours now and I followed the microsoft suggestion about modifying the msshci to 0 in registry, but I don't think it worked. It was 4 before. SATA 1-4 are set to IDE and 1 is my boot drive. 5-6 are to be run only in AHCI or RAID mode. The MS support suggestion only works when the boot drive is the culprit. Is there any way to install AHCI drivers for 5,6, on the MB without reinstalling Vista? It's ASUS m3n78 Pro (it was on sale)
Or, the better question is.....if I plug in the boot drive into 5 or 6, would it work? If it does, then do I have to plug something in the other (6 or 5) to make them both work? The non-boot drive in 5 or 6 works, then why wouldn't it work when I just plug in two storage drives in those ports? I didn't want to mess it up by doing this and I wanted experts' opinions. I tried to be as slear as I could. If you need additional info, let me know please. I'll be looking forward to hearing your solutions. Thanks in advance. Take care.
P.S. If you need to look at the manual, it's at
http://support.asus....modelname=M3N78 Pro&SLanguage=en-us
Edited by stickyrice, 08 April 2009 - 01:50 AM.