The mayor of the city where i work...that's his given name
might as well call them "orientals" while you're at itReminds me of an OLD joke about how Chinese name their babies. Would probably be considered offensive now.
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might as well call them "orientals" while you're at itReminds me of an OLD joke about how Chinese name their babies. Would probably be considered offensive now.
might as well call them "orientals" while you're at it
o.o I'm speechless on that one.... I wonder what they were thinking about while naming him.i have a frend, his name is fork, FORK
,im not kidding
Edited by tyler kick you fase, 09 April 2009 - 03:55 PM.
they should have chosen "rotund richard" and ...the other guy (can't think of a word for small or little that starts with an r)
Aye, aye aye, I think this topic is headed for disaster... and it's all my fault.
Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The manager was named Dick, but there was also another employee named Dick. The manager was an unusually large guy, and the worker unusually short. To identify which one you were talking about, everyone referred to them as "big Dick", and "little Dick". Everyone, from the little old ladies in the office, to the President of the company.
Maybe a good boy name would be ASUS
Link is not working for me. o.oi don't know how i forgot this one
The mayor of the city where i work...that's his given name
Alright, I'm sure you're all wondering about my name as well. Well, I absolutely love skunks. (In case you could not tell.) In fact, I'm part of several online communities where you create a character for yourself and role play your character. All my characters are skunks cause I love skunks so much. Well, what better name for a skunk than Oreo? Fits perfectly.
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