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Adobe Photoshop

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I was painting in photoshop today when suddenly my computer crashed on me. I constantly press ctrl + s to save the PSD file I have been working on, even several times just to make sure I've saved. Now that my computer has been restarted, whenever I try opening the PSD file it'll give me the message "Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop." ?! I was just working on it several minutes ago? I tried opening it in ImageReady, it works but the layers weren't saved, they're just blank. Is there any way or any program that is at least willing to let me retrieve my layers? I've been working on it for some times now and I don't want to lose it due to a sudden computer crash. I know my paint layer is still in there because if it wasn't, the PSD file size wouldn't be 2+ MB. If it weren't it would just be 500-ish KB. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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Oreo Collas

Oreo Collas


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Unfortunatally it sounds like your file may have been corrupted during the crash. If your computer was editing the file when it crashed the file could be damaged. As far as I know there is no way of recovering these files without a backup. My only recomendation would be to make sure you have a back up of the file that you're working on to make sure this does not happen again. I will continue searching to see if I can find a way to retieve corupt files.
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So even if I constantly saves the file in photoshop, it would still be damaged if my computer crash abruptly? Is there anyway that photoshop would automatically make a backup for me whenever time I save? Thanks for your reply by the way!
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Oreo Collas

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I am not aware of an option to atuomatically back up files such as this. I believe that Adobe offers an online backup service that you can pay for. Though it is verry important to save your work often there is also a hazard with it. If your computer is not saving your work when the power goes out you can revert back to your last save, but if you are currently saving a file when the power goes out then the file could be corrupt. So. Save often to make sure you don't loose your work, and every so often make sure you copy your work to a different location on the computer and don't save to both locations at the same time. It would also be a good idea to copy your work onto a different storage divice such as a thumb drive or an online database incase your hard drive dies. That way you have all your work backed up on an external divice.

You can also use a second internal hard drive to do this, but you have to be careful with this. Some computers may show a second hard drive installed in the computer when there is actually only one physical hard drive. (This is done by partitioning a hard drive.) You need to open up the computer and make sure that there are actually two physical hard drives installed. If you are unable to locate two physical hard drives then you would be better off useing an external storage source or online storage.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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not sure where the photoshop temp stuff would be

couple of software hits from google searching "recover corrupted psd"
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That's what happened, when I press ctrl + save my computer crashed. Therefore my PSD got corrupted.
From now on I guess it's better to save it as several different files.

Yeah, I don't know where the temporary photoshop stuff would be. Perhaps C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp ?? I am not sure myself.
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Oreo Collas

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It's even possible it may be in a hidden system folder. Try doing a search of all files for photoshop or for the picture name and make sure you set it to search hidden system folders.
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No unfortunately it does not work, Oreo.

Since this topic is still in the front page, I came across another problem when CS2 crashed while saving again.
I managed to open the .psd file this time, but finding that half of the image of Blue in Channel gone. So the color is sort of messed up. Is there anyway I can recreate that Blue layer in Channel tab?

Also, why is the preview image perfectly normal on the Open window?
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Don't know if this will work for you, but if you get some SanDisk memory cards theyhave bundled with them recovery software (I think its the Extreme series).

I had a problem a while back where I lost a file and used this software. It found several versions of the same files, which were in actual fact old files that had been overwritten as I had saved during editing.

Might work, and could be worth a go.
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I notice that whenever a file is being saved, a temporary file is created in the root folder. It is removed as soon as the file completion is over. For example, if you have Ps installed in D:\Adobe\Photoshop\ then a temp file is created in D:. Don't know if it stays there, if file saving is stopped abruptly.
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