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Creating a game for java - Help

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I'm making the game battle ship, and need help creating the grid. Im supposed to use a 2 dimention array to make the 8x8 grid. Its a two player game, so i need to have the screen switch between player one and two. I have static int map[][] to create the array, but need help creating the for loops to make the grid. (They will be JButtons, and I have the images that they will be.)

Any help would be really appreciated.
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That sounds a lot like a homework assignment that I had to do in my advanced Java class. It also sounds a lot like a homework question. Here at GeekstoGo we help people for Home use. We are not here to replace your teacher. Also for future information programing questions would be best suited for the Software Development thread

Edited by tuxmaster, 10 April 2009 - 09:27 PM.

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