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all items in my Documents folders are gone!

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Last night I went to check on a file in my documents folder and it wasn't there! So I checked more of the folders and all gone.

My folders are in the Documents folder however all contents in each folder is gone. This is the jpegs and word files.

I have a huge work Folder that is a huge part of my bread and butter. Each folder within this big folder has a picture of my clients merch and a word file with this client's name and contact info. These are all gone.

Is it possible to get these back? can they be hiding somewhere?

I also noticed that in the "date modified" column almost all the files have 3/25/2009 10:41am. why is that?

I think I ran an update about then, when I was prompted to do so.

My computer is a Toshiba Satellite running Vista.

Please , someone tell me I can recover my files!

Thank you!
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Oreo Collas

Oreo Collas


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Click on tools in one of the windows
Go to folder oprions
Click on the view tab
Scroll through the list and set it so you can see hidden and system files. I'm not sure if this will fix it but it will tell uf if they are hidded.

Can you see them now? They may be partially transparent now. If not then change the settings back as you usually want to stay out of system folders and they are best hidden to prevent accidents.

Word of advice: Make sure you back up all important work backed up on an external storage device and have the device unplugged fromt he computer when not in use.
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i tried the hidden file thing last night, but nothing.

I was planning on doing the back up 2 days ago, but i got swamped with some work. so a day too late.

thanks for the input.

So who can help?
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Oreo Collas

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Well, again I'd like to rule out some other options. Go to your operating drive (Usually C:), then go to documents and settings, all users, then documents (May varry depending on the operating system) and see if they are there. If not then go to your operating drive (Usually C:), then go to documents and settings, current user (What ever you log onto), then documents (May varry depending on the operating system) and see if they are there. If there is more than one user account may also want to check those to see if it is in those folders. Let me know.
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Oreo Collas

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I'm almost inclined to think that it may be a possible infection. Please start a tread under the malware forms to see if you have any infections. If they give you a clean bill of health then come back to this topic and let me know.
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