After I transfered them from the camera to my pc, windows media player would not play them, saying that the file type was not supported. I then converted them using format factory to a ".avi" format and now windows media player plays them fine. But when I go to windows movie maker and try to import the files i get the following error mesaage:
The file "C:\Users\MyName\Pictures\2009 Learning how to ride ripstick\Brooke wipes out.avi" cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again.
I currently have the normal codec's that come with my operating system "Vista Ultimate 64" and I also installed an additional codec package for XviD. Am I missing some other codec that needs to be installed? I'm pretty sure the ".avi" file type is correct since it plays in wmp just fine. I also tried converting to ".wmv" and got the exact same error code from windows movie maker.
Any help would be appreciated?