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Device manager not listing anything

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Hi usamas,

Thanks for all the help and sorry for not getting back sooner as I was busy being made redundant from my job... :-(

Anyway, on to the problems, I am about to throw the laptop out the window. I have now tried everything listed in all the websites. I removed IE8, removed SP1 and done all the suggestions around proxy servers and so on. The only thing I am unable to do is re-install ie7. When I dounload the exe off msdn and try to run it I cannot as ie7 says it is not for vista.

As I said I am about to chuck this out a window and I think the only way around it is for ie7 to be removed and reinstalled but I cannot seem to do that in vista. If you have any final suggestions I will be most happy but otherwise dont spend too much time on it..

Thanks again for all the help :-)

Mark O'Reilly
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At this point I'd have to suggest a repair install of Vista. The first step is to backup all your stuff as a mis-step could wipe everything out.

Then, follow the instructions at this link: http://vistasupport....e_vista_dvd.htm
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