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internet connection keeps going out

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I have comcast high speed internet on a windows vista computer. For the past month my internet conncetion keeps going out. I notice that the little globe in the bottom right hand corner that lets me no I am online goes away and in about 15 secounds later or so it reapears. Comcast has aleady been out and said they couldn't find anything wrong and I doubt if it's a bandwith issue because my connection is very fast. For example when I play my game console online it just randomly loses my connection while im playing. Please is their anything I can do?
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Hi -

If using wifi, try an Ethernet cable for direct connection. See if connectivity is any better.

Also, go into Device Manager, expand the network tree branch and un-install all devices. Right-click on each until all are un-installed.

Then re-boot. Vista will re-install.

Be sure that you have the most recent wifi & Ethernet drivers.

Regards. . .


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Are you sure that your router and/or modem are Vista compatible? Issues with the DHCP Broadcast Flag have been known to cause problems with connectivity.
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