How to take my anger out
Posted 04 June 2009 - 10:21 AM

Posted 04 June 2009 - 03:45 PM

Posted 04 June 2009 - 07:09 PM

Posted 04 June 2009 - 07:40 PM

Ditchweed: Hemp, as drug use. A form of cannabis. Hemp is to be used for industrial (non-personal) use only. So we'll get OFF that subject-if you don't mind.
A good way to also calm down is meditation. Meditation can allow the mind to see things that make you angry and be able to route your anger out of your system.
The biggest sign of anger is not saw until one meditates. Do you agree, Cold Titanium?
Posted 04 June 2009 - 08:48 PM

The biggest sign of anger is not saw until one meditates. Do you agree, Cold Titanium?
Do you mean "seen"?

Edit: If your not that patient of a person for the finer martial arts that take years to perfect, Krav Maga or Haganah(see my sig Fight 2 Survive) are faster paced and you can usually be pretty proficient at it in about 6-8 Months.
Edited by Cold Titanium, 04 June 2009 - 08:51 PM.
Posted 04 June 2009 - 08:58 PM

(brain science/dynamics

Edited by DragonMaster Jay, 04 June 2009 - 09:00 PM.
Posted 04 June 2009 - 09:00 PM

Edited by Cold Titanium, 04 June 2009 - 09:00 PM.
Posted 04 June 2009 - 09:02 PM

No, but really. When a person gets angry, and people call it a tailspin, the person is at real psychological danger.
When a person can meditate, this SAW allows the person to organize their thoughts and throw the bad ones out, so the person does not get angry and do something they'll regret.
Posted 04 June 2009 - 09:11 PM

[comic relief]I've got plenty of self-control! I promise Master Yoshi! I won't misuse the martial art!
*guy cuts in line*
*WAM!!!* *BAM!!!* *POW!!!* *KICK!!!**SMASH!!* *KNEE* *KNIFE HAND*
See Master? I showed I could control my punches, and hit harder!
Do I get promoted?

Posted 06 June 2009 - 12:11 AM

"Oaxaca: location in Mexico.
Ditchweed: Hemp, as drug use. A form of cannabis. Hemp is to be used for industrial (non-personal) use only. So we'll get OFF that subject-if you don't mind."
Edited by normonster, 06 June 2009 - 10:00 AM.
Posted 06 June 2009 - 01:33 AM

I was not trying to make you mad. Please calm down. If you would have said it was medical, it would have been more legit of a reply.

Edited by DragonMaster Jay, 06 June 2009 - 01:44 AM.
Posted 06 June 2009 - 02:07 AM

I am fully sympathetic of your situation, and in agreement with much of what you say about the use of medical marijuana. Censorship, however, does have its place here - that's why we have a Terms of Use, so we can govern what is said. Our focus on this forum is, obviously, computers and the support thereof. We have many members in their teens; consequently, we have a strong emphasis on family-friendly content. We also, as you know, have strict rules on avoiding discussions about politics, religion, etc., and we cannot allow discussions of what are technically illegal activities. Dragonmaster Jay does not have the authority to bluntly enforce the rules as he did, and I'm sorry you took offense at his statement. I will, however, have to ask you to refrain from further discussions of medical uses of hemp, as the discussion could easily veer into a political fistfight.

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