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Kernal Data Inpage Error Blue Screen

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Hello. I'm new here, so I hope this is the right place and enough info to get some assistance. Thanks for any help anyone can give. My computer is only 8 months old and has been great up until this week.

Dell Inspiron 1721; Vista; Service Pack 1 regularly updated; AMD Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor, 1.9 GHz; 3 GB RAM; 250 GB HDD with 137 GB free space. Using AVG paid subscription with current updates; SuperAntiSpyware paid subscription with current updates; SpywareBlaster, also updated regularly. SuperAntiSpyware found a trojan last week (Trojan.Dropper/Gen), but said it fixed it.

It has been fine until day before yesterday - the playback on sound and video that are on the HDD or online have been hanging up for some reason that I haven't figured out; and there's a notice popping up that the network controller has stopped working, but Windows can't fix it - - but then it always starts up again right away. I ran PCPitStop and I think I may need a new driver, but haven't been able to get the one I downloaded to install. PitStop says the system is fragmented, but I have Vista's defragger set to run weekly.

It has seemed a bit slower the past few of days, but that's the only other sign of trouble before the crash. The only thing different is that I installed iTunes and Quicktime and then uninstalled iTunes a day later. After the crash, I also uninstalled Jasc Paint Shop, Ad-Aware, and some other things I didn't use much, along with the dial up modem that came with the computer, but I never used as we have wireless DSL. Nothing else has changed recently.

Yesterday, as music was playing, the computer hung up and began beeping loudly with the music skipping sort of like a bad CD would - - but the music was on the HDD not a CD. Then the blue screen - - and that hung up - - and I had to turn off the unit manually. It was a kernel data inpage error, whatever that means. Since then, the machine seems a bit off it's usual efficiency. Browser screens 'tremble' occasionally, that's weird. And some functions are slower than usual, especially the internet.

Earlier today, as music on the HDD was playing, it hung up again and sounded like a stuck CD and I quickly turned it off before it crashed again. Later, watching a video on ABC.com, it did the same thing, and quickly was shut down to prevent another crash.

The only other concern I have is that I tried out a streaming movie site. The site didn't work well and I have to wonder about it. It claimed to have free movies to view legally. Not having used movies sites before and therefore not being savvy about them, I think now it was probably naive to think you could get something for free without a hitch.

Any suggestions or advice? The computer is still under warranty, but just thought to check if it might be something simple I could fix before calling Dell and shipping it off.


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A KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR is described briefly here: http://aumha.org/a/stop.php#0x7a
It's possible that this is a hardware error, but your statement about the drivers leads me to suspect that. Why couldn't you get the driver to install? What error message(s) did it give you?

What driver were you attempting to locate? FYI - you can go to this page: http://support.dell..../...;l=en&s=gen and enter your Service Tag number in order to locate all the drivers that Dell has for your system (and it's free).
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Greetings and thanks for your help.

Today, I redownloaded the drivers from Dell and this time they installed without a problem. I didn't take down the error message from the other day and can't remember it. After the install, I couldn't get online for about 10 minutes, but now I'm back up again. The drivers were for the Dell WLAN (1) and for Broadcom (2).

I looked at the link you sent but didn't understand it - - not very technical. Sorry. Don't know if the drivers caused the problem or not.

1. IS Optimize 2.0 by PitStop worth buying and will it fix my problems, do you think?
2. What's a good defragger. Vista's is strange - can't tell what's going on and ran for over 10 hrs. and still wasn't done. I read that Vista doesn't like other defraggers, but somethings not right with it. Pitstop says it's badly fragged, but can't get any info on Vista's uninformative defragger. Do you think Piriform's "Defraggler" would be OK to use?

Thanks again!

Edited by Gary'sGirl, 25 April 2009 - 02:15 PM.

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    Kraków my love :)

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1. No.
2. "Defraggler" is good. "Smart Defrag" is another good one: http://www.iobit.com...martdefrag.html
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OK - which one is the best to use with Vista. Should I download and do that next?
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    Kraków my love :)

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Windows version doesn't matter. Both programs are good.
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Downloaded Defraggler and ran the analyze function. It says it's 43% fragged. One file, 00010010.ci has almost 2000 fragments! Will defrag overnight. Could this have caused the crash. What else can I do to help my machine?
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    Kraków my love :)

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Let's see how your computer feels after defrag...
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With BSOD's it's a matter of finding the most likely things to fix, then testing by running the computer.
If the BSOD's stop, then it's fixed. If they don't stop, then we'll try some more stuff. :)

Don't worry about not understanding the link I gave - it is technical and we don't expect that everyone will understand it.

Edited by usasma, 26 April 2009 - 11:00 AM.

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No more Blue screens so far; however Firefox is still having moments of shuddering and freezes up.

I got Defraggler to defrag the machine after deleting all but the new restore point, which I created today. The machine wouldn't defrag those files after 14 hours of defragging. Can that be right? Those restore points were taking up 30 GIGABYTES on a drive that only had 90 GB used total. That's ridiculous, isn't it? Is there a way to stop System Restore from using all that space?

Also, there's a file on C:\ named i2api_debug.log that's over 1 GB. Is that supposed to be there? I googled it and some places said they think it's part of Broadcom, some said HP, some said it's a virus, some said it's on their machine and keeps growing and growing, one said it locks up her computer for an hour at the time scanning something, everyone says they can't delete it or it comes right back after deleting it. Can you advise?

Haven't had time to play any music or videos to see if they're still freezing, but will do that and get back about that.

So, anyway, I'm not sure if the problem is fixed or not, but so far, so good except for Firefox.

Also, not sure what a codec is except that is has something to do with audio and since that's where my problem seemed to start with audio hanging up, I've been googling. I downloaded this thing called Code Sniper and it found some broken codecs. Should they be deleted if they're 'broken' - whatever that means? There's a delete function on the Code Sniper thing.


Edited by Gary'sGirl, 26 April 2009 - 09:15 PM.

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    Kraków my love :)

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1. Close Firefox. Go Start>All Programs>Mozilla Firefox, click on Mozilla Firefox (safe mode).
Any better?

2. How To Reduce Disk Space Used By Windows Vista System Restore: http://www.watchingt...em-restore.html

3. K-Lite Codec Pack: http://www.free-code..._codec_pack.htm
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OK, will try opening Firefox safe mode shortly. Read the System Restore article and will try that, too. Don't want to download any more codecs - - I suspect that may have caused my sound problem in the first place. Plus all my MS Movie Maker codecs are broken and don't know how to fix them. Googling/reading about it, it seems MSMM doesn't like most Codec Packs.

Have great concern about the i2api_debug.log thing that's taking up so much space. Can you advise?
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    Kraków my love :)

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i2api_debug.log seems to be Dell's debug file created by the disk controller.
It should be safe to delete.
I'm pretty sure, the new one will be created.
You can change file's attribute to "read only", so it won't grow.
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Great! I'll delete it. Then, how do you change it to read only?
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    Kraków my love :)

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When new file is created, most likely after restart, right click on it, click Properties, and put checkmark next to "read only" box.
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