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Can't delete downloaded video file on real player

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I recently downloaded some files off the internet using real player. The files downloaded as usual and were fully viewable. After viewing them they were closed down properly. The problem is when I go to 'real player' the video files in question automatically flash up on the screen and start to open. When I click on 'file' in real player, the usually options are displayed, but there is also a list of these downloaded videos as well. If I go to 'Edit' and try to delete them it is not possible because the delete option is in italics and will not operate. I've tried right clicking on the files to select 'delete', but that does not work either.

ANY suggestions would be very much appreciated. I've tried everything I can think of- and a few suggestions from help options- but I have hit a wall with all my efforts :) . I'm wondering if I should remove realplayer altogether from my computer?

Thanks in advance
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