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W7 beta to RC

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I wasn't sure where to place such a post, but I figured this was the safest place for such a question.

No problems or issues, just curious about something. I've never beta tested a system before but I got the gumption to with Windows 7 and have enjoyed it and it's given me a chance to play with something new and fresh. I just read that RC1 has been released and I'm wondering what I should be doing, is there much changes from the beta, would I need to completely reinstall the OS or would there be abit of a upgrade/change option for beta to RC? Is there any reason to? I think the beta serial is good til august, but I do wonder if a RC1 serial key would work on the beta just fine?

I'm finally settled in, I'm not ready to move out just yet :)
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Considering it's free to get an RC key, go ahead and get a new RC key, download the RC version, and do a fresh install. :)
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