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BSOD not happening, but usbs and internet not working!

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  • PipPip
  • 42 posts
This is what the old topic said[Down in the quote]. I think the bsod problem is fixed but when I turn on my laptop the internet and usb devices are not working. The solution consisted of me downloading another usbhub.sys file to solve it, once I did that it worked but after a while it stopped working.

Some times when I try and shut down my laptop normally (not holding power button)I get the bsod....
Here is the error message:

*** STOP: 0x000000FE ( 0x0000000000000008, 0x0000000000000006, 0xFFFFFA800AC99000 )

also, somewhere near the top it says bugcode_usb_driver

it says to disable bios shadowing or something too....

I need help.... :)

Here are some system specs:

OS: Vista 32bit(or 64 idk)
RAM: 4096MB
HDD: 500MB
Model: Dell XPS M1530 Laptop

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