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desktop wont boot unless i remove the litle battery on the board and t

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hey ppl hopefully someone can help. ok ive been having trouble with the deskop for a while now. it doesnt always turn on right away sometimes i have to turn it on and off a few times for it to boot. but for the last 4 times i have turned it on (with in only 4 days) i have had to pull the little batery from the board and put it back in to reset and to get it to boot. then once i had to even do that and turn it off and on once to get it to boot

internet explorer keeps resetting too and pages wont allow me to click in the boxes to type, the computer is starting to run slower and i cant even run word because it says there is not enough memory dont know if that interferes with anything.

its a compaq running vista

any help would be fantastic thanks
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    Kraków my love :)

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Replace CMOS battery...5 bucks.
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