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Removed - We don’t do religion and sex jokes this is a family friendly site, feel free to post jokes and have a good time, but please be aware of what you are posting.

Edited by BHowett, 15 May 2009 - 09:09 AM.

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DragonMaster Jay

DragonMaster Jay


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No offense...not that posting a joke is bad...but this topic is ruined. It is due to the Geeks to Go censorship system. Geeks to Go is family-friendly.

If I was a parent and saw this on my child's screen:

I would not be happy. That is not the best of content. Especially with a bunch of bleeps that nobody knows. Some may think those bleeps mean a different word.

Just trying to help!

Edited by BHowett, 15 May 2009 - 09:11 AM.
Removed quote

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    OT Moderator

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I will close this one, please keep jokes clean and family friendly :)
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