Are you trying to boot from the recovery disc or from the laptop hdd? I `m not sure what you are doing. Can you try and follow these instructions...
1/ make sure your Laptop can boot directly from the Recovery DVD. Obviously, most modern Laptops can. With older machines you may need to check the PC's BIOS
2/ Start the Laptop
3/ Put the Recovery DVD into the DVD drive, switch off the laptop.
4/ Switch the Laptop on again. A Black screen will appear with the words 'Press any key to boot from CD or DVD'
5/ Press Any key to start the booting process
6/ A new screen will now appear with a progress bar. The legend say's 'Windows is loading files'
7/ After a few minutes the Microsoft copyright window will appear and another small progress bar will be visible
8/ You will next see a Blue curtained screen
9/ After a short while the Language option screen will appear
10/ Select your language and keyboard language and the Click the Next button
11/ At the bottom left of the next screen - the Install screen, Click on the Repair Your Computer option
12/ The System recovery options will now search for your Windows Vista installation
13/ Once the Vista installation has been located, Highlight it and then Click the Next button
14/ You are now presented with the following set of recovery options
•Startup repair - This automatically fixes problems that are preventing Windows from starting
•System Restore - This will Restore Windows to an earlier point in time
•Windows Complete PC Restore - This will completely restore your entire PC - programs, system settings and files - from a back up that you have previously created (Available in Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and Ultimate editions only)
•Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool - This checks your computer's memory hardware for errors
•Command Prompt - This opens a Command Window
15/ Click on the Option you require and follow the onscreen prompts I`d try the Startup repair first..
See if that helps you.. Kev.
Edited by kevinf80, 20 May 2009 - 02:56 PM.