The laptop is by Asus, model G50VT
I'm using wireless internet from AT&T, on my old XP laptop it works just fine. On my new Vista laptop it does not.
The internet will say that it is connected and the connection is Excellent, however after a few minutes of using IE it stops working, saying that I'm not connected, even though the bottom right corner thing says I am in fact connected. Sometimes it helps to reboot the computer to get it to reconnect, or if I disconnect and reconnect it helps sometimes. But the problem persists again a few minutes later.
Like I said, the laptop is brand new, just bought it Monday from Best Buy. Their geeksquad had already set it up, i didn't get charged for it since I didn't want them to set it up but it was their only one left other than the floor model. The problem has been there since day one, trying to avoid going to bestbuy to see what is wrong.
I didn't bother starting over with factory settings, but may just to see if that helps.
Any suggestions?